Snoring and Aging

Some of you will have looked at the brazenly amateurish video John Naylor and I made of the exercises I use and advise for sleep apnea, snoring and double chin. Several of you told me the video did not provide adequate direction. Frankly I thought John’s graceful, natural, unaffected execution was all that was needed. My email mentioned that some of the exercises were derived from the Yoga pose “The Lion.”

We know that there are several elements to the evolution of sleep apnea beyond the conventional one of fat neck, poor bite, insulin resistance, increased inflammation markers and the like.

Still at the bottom level sleep apnea is loss of tone of the muscles of the area in, around and behind the mouth and neck and that this tone, like most elements of aging and given the beautiful plasticity of the human brain and body, this tone is recoverable through well, consistently executed exercises. Did they tell you sleep apnea was caused by a long uvula? Well did you snore when you were 16 and had that same long uvula? If the answer is no then that is not the cause and cutting it off may be unnecessary. Always had a thick neck and didn’t use to snore; then do the exercises. Always thin and didn’t use to snore? You see where this is going.

Take a look at the videographically challenged video and after you stop laughing start doing the exercises. Or do you like that C-PAP machine and increased fatigue and chance of heart attack?

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